Wizard Banished - Ponravy In realms where pink-hued rabbits read, Beneath the skies where dreamers lead, They craft their spells and quantum arts, With tinkering minds and gentle hearts. Pink rabbits Pink RABBITS! But tremors stir the silent ground, A haunting shiver in the sound, From depths below the shadows weave, The Ponravy rise, and daylight leaves. Ponravy PONRAVY PONRAVY!!! Their eyes like voids, their whispers cold, Ancient guardians from times untold, The rabbits flee in trembling fear, As Ponravy draw ever near. The peace is pierced by piercing gaze, Through twisting tunnels, winding maze, The Ponravy with jagged maw, Enforce the realm's forbidden law. Ponravy PONRAVY PONRAVY!!! THE PONRAVY!!! Beware! Ponravy PONRAVY PONRAVY!!! "You don't belong," they hiss and writhe, Their coils around intruders tithe, A grip that binds both flesh and mind, A terror cold, and so unkind. The pink scholars in shadows hide, Their vibrant world now cast aside, The joy they knew consumed by dread, As darkness looms above their heads. Oh, Ponravy from depths untamed, By fear and might, their power claimed, They guard the secrets buried deep, In lands where ancient creatures creep. Ponravy PONRAVY PONRAVY!!! THE PONRAVY!!! Awakened from this twisted dream, Yet haunted by the silent scream, The memory clings like morning mist, Of Ponravy and their iron fist. Ponravy Ponravy Ponravy Ponravy are coming! Ponravy are coming! PONRAVY PONRAVY!!! THE PONRAVY!!! Ponravy are coming! THE PONRAVY!!!